Place your fingers on the Home Keys. These are ASDF (left hand) JKL; (right hand).
Remember: Your right thumb also does the space bar. Your right little finger also does the 'enter/return' key.
Practice tapping the B key using your left first finger. Then return your finger to the F key. Try to keep your other fingers on the Home Keys.
Practice tapping the Y key using your right first finger. Then return your finger to the J key. Try to keep your other fingers on the Home Keys.
Practice typing the following lines in Microsoft Word. Tap enter/return to start a new line.
f b fb fbf bfb bird bow bet bill
bite but bad bee able ball
She likes to see birds. J y jy jyj
yiy joy bay day you yak stay eye
You stay with him. Bye.
Bryan and the buoy are in the bay.
f b fb fbf bfb bird bow bet bill
bite but bad bee able ball
She likes to see birds. J y jy jyj
yiy joy bay day you yak stay eye
You stay with him. Bye.
Bryan and the buoy are in the bay.
Extra for experts 'B'
baht, brain, barn, bask, bath, bell
baby, bang, bass, bees, beef, baba
bait, bark, bean, been, belt, bias,
bags, ball, bear, beep, best, bike,
blog, blue, bold, book, body, boom,
boil, blew, buys, bones, break,
Extra for experts 'Y'
yawn, yeah, yell, yard, year, yuck
yelled, youths, yachts, yearly,
yellow, yippie, yields, yum, yo
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