Place your fingers on the Home Keys. These are ASDF (left hand) JKL; (right hand).
Remember: Your right thumb also does the space bar. Your right little finger also does the 'enter/return' key.
Practice tapping the I key using your right second finger. Then return your finger to the K key. Try to keep your other fingers on the Home Keys.
Practice tapping the R key using your left first finger. Then return your finger to the F key. Try to keep your other fingers on the Home Keys.
Practice typing the following lines. Tap enter/return to start a new line.
k i k i kik kik iki ji ji if if
is kid did kids if fir aid; hi kid
did it; she is; a hill; as it is
f r frf jar free red are ark rid
rake hill hire her drill; her irk
dial a ride; ask jill; red dress;
k i k i kik kik iki ji ji if if
is kid did kids if fir aid; hi kid
did it; she is; a hill; as it is
f r frf jar free red are ark rid
rake hill hire her drill; her irk
dial a ride; ask jill; red dress;
k i k i kik kik iki ji ji if if
is kid did kids if fir aid; hi kid
did it; she is; a hill; as it is
f r frf jar free red are ark rid
rake hill hire her drill; her irk
dial a ride; ask jill; red dress;
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